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Special Announcement


Transformative Solutions for Equity and Justice in Special Education

By: Marcy Jackson

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Marcy Jackson, author of Poor the Water, is an Education Consultant and Special Education Advocate at Weinfeld Education Group since 2009. She coordinates the SEE US project, providing free advocacy for underserved Black students with special needs. With expertise in developing IEPs, 504 plans, and school placement strategies, Marcy collaborates with parents, school staff, and professionals to support student success. She holds certifications in Special Education Advocacy and Child Development, and has co-authored the book P.A.R.E.N.T.S. Life Skills, Literacy, and Leadership. Marcy has a Master's in Education Administration from the University of South Dakota and a Bachelor's in International Studies from Towson University.

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Pictured (from left): WEG Advocates- Thomas Pumphrey, Rich Weinfeld (Executive Director of WEG), Marcy Jackson, & Jennifer Fox-Thomas.

WEG Books

Helping Boys Succeed in School Book

Rich Weinfeld,
Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

Special Needs Advocacy Resource Book
Take Control of Asperger's Book
Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties Book

Rich Weinfeld,
Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

Rich Weinfeld,
Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

Rich Weinfeld,
Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

School Success for Kids with ADHD Book
101 School Success Tools for Students with ADHD Book
School Success for Kids with High Functioning Autism
Take Control of Dyslexia Book

Stephan M. Silverman, Ph.D., 

Jacqueline S. Iseman, Ph.D.,

Sue Jeweler

Jacqueline S. Iseman, Ph.D.,

Sue Jeweler, 

Stephan M. Silverman, Ph.D. 

Rich Weinfeld,

Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

Rich Weinfeld,
Linda Barnes-Robsinson, 
Sue Jeweler,  Betty Shevitz

School Success for Kids with Dyslexia

Walter Dunson

Twice Exceptional Book

Edited by: Scott Barry Kaufman
Chapter by: Rich Weinfeld

WEG Articles

Working on computer

504 Plan Versus IEP: A Guide for Parents

There are two major tools educators use to help children with learning differences, and parents should know the difference. -US News & World Report Dec. 2021

Special Education and the Pandemic

Three Things Parents of Kids with Special Needs Need to Know.
By Rich Weinfeld, Attention Magazine (CHADD), December 2020

The Twice-Exceptional Child

Schools struggle to help students who are gifted and have learning disabilities, but some are successful.

By Lawrence Hardy, American School Board Journal

Writing an Effective 504 Plan

By Rich Weinfeld, MEd, Attention Magazine (CHADD), Winter 2017

Legal Issues in Identifying and Serving Twice-Exceptional Gifted Learners

The Association for The Gifted: Council for Exceptional Children

By Michael J. Eig, Rich Weinfeld, & Paula Rosenstock

Coping With Challenging Behaviors In School

Parenting Aspergers Community 

An Interview with Dr. Stephan Silverman and Mr. Rich Weinfeld

Academic Programs for Gifted and Talented/Learning Disabled Students

Roeper Review, Vol. 24, No. 4

By Rich Weinfeld, Linda Barnes-Robinson, Sue Jeweler, Betty Shevitz

Break in Communication: When an Advocate is Needed

From Parenting for High Potential, March 2008
By Rich Weinfeld, Michelle Davis, Jeanne L. Paynter, Sue Jeweler

Mentoring Empowers Gifted/Learning Disabled Students to Soar!

Roeper Review, Vol. 26, No. 1

By Rich Weinfeld, Linda Barnes-Robinson, Sue Jeweler, Betty Shevitz

What We Have Learned

Experiences in Providing Adaptations and Accommodations for Gifted and Talented Students With Learning Disabilities.
By Rich Weinfeld, Linda Barnes-Robinson, Sue Jeweler, Betty Shevitz

Enabling or Empowering? 

Adaptations and Accommodations for Twice-Exceptional Students
By Rich Weinfeld, Linda Barnes-Robinson, Sue Jeweler, Betty Shevitz

Most parents worry that their kid will be bullied. But what do you do if your child is the bully?

From Yahoo Life, December 2022
By Jamie Davis Smith: Featuring WEG Dr. Kristen C. Eccleston 

What is a toy diet? Experts share how it helps children 'develop different skills'

From Yahoo Life, November 2022
By Jamie Davis Smith: Featuring WEG's Dr. Kristen C. Eccleston 

How to Help Someone With Anxiety (According to 15+ Experts)

From UpJourney, November 2022
By The Editors: Featuring WEG's Dr. Kristen C. Eccleston 

Kids with ADHD: Making Laughter Work for Them

By Mary Fetzer: Featuring Dr. Kristen Eccleston

ADHD Online: Diagnosis & Treatment, May 2023

WEG Videos

When You Might Want A Quarterback 

Gabriele Nicolet sat down with special education expert and WEG advocate Caroline Strauss to talk about why families might want to use an advocate, and how a “quarterback” can help families access services, IEPs and more.

Watch 2019 Diamonds Keynote's Ted Talk

"Why the future will be differently wired"
Deborah Reber at Tedx Amsterdam 

Three Things Parents Need To Know About Endrew F.

The unanimous Supreme Court decision in Endrew F. vs. Douglas County School District gives parents, advocates and educators additional guidance on individualized education plans, or IEPs.  Are you using this landmark SCOTUS decision to help your child?  In this short video, Rich Weinfeld provides insight on three key elements of this important decision.  Parents will gain new insight on the IEP process, and specific language they can use when talking with teachers and school officials about their child's IEP.

Rich Weinfeld on Advocacy, 2E and Collaboration

Gabriele Nicolet sat down with special education expert and WEG Executive Director, Rich Weinfeld to talk about his process for gathering information about families he works with, what collaboration with other professionals in a student's life looks like and the basis of his services and what they seek to accomplish in The Weinfeld Education Group. 


Rich Weinfeld of Weinfeld Education Group (WEG) discusses the IEP process, Twice Exceptional Students, Transition, Special Ed for Latino girls and Black boys and girls and more...

WEG Podcasts

Advocating School Success For Kids With Special Needs

Rich Weinfeld sits down with Debbie Reber for the TiLt Parenting Podcast.

Highlights from this episode:

  • What special needs advocate does and when should a parent consider working with one

  • Best practices in educating schools about a child’s unique needs and re-framing their perception of challenges as stemming from neuro-differences rather than being “behavioral”

  • How parents can positively manage relationships with educators and school administrators while still pushing for the support and accommodations our child needs

  • Under what type of circumstances it might be appropriate to bring in legal representation, and how to do this in a way that doesn’t burn bridges

  • Strategies for dealing with reward systems and other classroom tools that inadvertently penalized differently wired students

  • How to suggest professional development opportunities for school staff to deepen their understanding of unique learners

  • Advice for getting support when a child’s neuro-differences are manifesting in negative behavior or social challenges as opposed to poor academic performance

Special Needs Connection Podcast

Hosted by Maryland Financial Advocates with guest Rich Weinfeld who describes the importance of collaboration between parent and school staff when planning for students with special needs. 

Mr. Weinfeld discusses his online training program for parents and professionals who want to learn to be more effective advocates for student with special needs.  He also mentions the yearly Diamonds in the Rough Conference where professionals and parents learn about interventions that work for these students.

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©2025 by Weinfeld Education Group, LLC.


4865 A Cordell Ave, Ste 240
Bethesda, MD  20814


Main number Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
301.593.3333  Fax

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